domingo, 2 de junho de 2013



By signing the "Scientiae thesaurus mirabilis", D. Dinis created the oldest university of the country and one of the oldest in the world. Dating from 1290, the document gives rise to the General Study, which is recognized in the same year by Pope Nicholas IV. A century after the birth of the nation, germinating the University of Coimbra. Starts working in Lisbon in 1308 and is transferred to Coimbra, alternating between the two cities until 1537, when it settled permanently in the city of Mondego.

Initially confined to the Royal Palace, the University of Coimbra spilled over, changing her landscape, making it the city university expanded with the creation of the Campus II, devoted to engineering and technology, and a third pole, devoted to science health. Studying at the University of Coimbra (UC) is continuing the history of the intellectual matrix of the country, which formed the most prominent figures of culture, science and national policy.

With more than seven centuries, the University of Coimbra has a unique tangible and intangible heritage, keystone in the history of European scientific and cultural world. A heritage that UC applied for UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Space to know and initiative

The teaching, research and knowledge transfer are assumed as fundamental missions of UC. Achieve them necessarily involves promoting quality and initiative of teachers and researchers, boost energy and work of students and recognize the dedication and commitment of our employees. It is this culture of rigor and quality, based on people and their capabilities, the UC values​​, and that translates into a globally recognized brand. The oldest university of the country remains in front thanks to a continuous renewal, always ongoing substantial investment of human and material.

Univ. Coimbra

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