quinta-feira, 23 de maio de 2013


The Law on the Education System (Law n º 46/86 of 14 October, subsequently changed some of its pleadings by Laws Nos 115/97, of 19 September, and 49/2005, of 30 August, republished and renumbered attached to the last), provides the general framework of the educational system.
School education in three levels: both primary, secondary and tertiary.
The pre-school education is voluntary and is intended for children aged three years and the age of entry into primary school.
The education is universal, compulsory and free and involves three sequential cycles, the first four years, the second two and the third of three.
Secondary education is compulsory and comprises a three-year cycle (10., 11. And 12. º years of schooling).

Organization of higher education

In 2005 the first steps to reform the higher education system, with the introduction of a new system of credits (ECTS) for courses of study, mobility mechanisms, Diploma Supplement, among others. Changes were made to the Law on the Education System in order to implement the Bologna Process.
The new structure organized into three cycles of study was introduced in 2006 and fully implemented in Portugal, from the academic year 2009/2010. The generic qualification descriptors were also established for each course, based on acquired skills, as well as the definition of ECTS intervals for the first and second cycle.
The Portuguese higher education includes university and polytechnic education. University education is taught in public and private universities and polytechnic education in institutions of higher education is not public and private university. The private schools get recognized by Ministry of Education and Science. The network of higher education also includes an educational institution concordat.

Bachelor's degree

The university and polytechnic institutions confer the degree.
The course of study leading to the bachelor's degree in polytechnic education lasts for six semesters of students' work corresponding to 180 credits, or exceptionally, in cases covered by the provisions of national or EU, normally lasts up to seven or eight semesters of work and training of up to 240 credits.
The course of study leading to the bachelor's degree in university has 180 or 240 credits and a normal length between six and eight semesters of students' work. In the first cycle of studies at university or polytechnic Master's degree is awarded to those who, by passing all the courses that integrate the curriculum of the degree course, have obtained the number of credits.

Degree of Master

The university and polytechnic institutions confer the degree of master.
The course of study leading to a Master's degree 90 to 120 credits and a normal duration of three to four semesters of students' work or, exceptionally, in consequence of a stable and consolidated practice internationally, 60 credits and a two- semesters.
In polytechnic education, the cycle of studies leading to a master's degree must ensure that the acquisition of a professional specialization. In university education, the cycle of studies leading to a master's degree must ensure that the acquisition of a specialization of academic nature using the research activity or improving professional skills.
In university education, a master's degree may also be awarded after an integrated study cycle, with 300 to 360 credits and a normal length between 10 and 12 semesters of work in cases where the duration for access to the practice of a particular professional activity is stipulated by legal regulations of the European Union or the result of a stable and consolidated practice in the European Union. This course of study is awarded to an undergraduate degree who have completed 180 credits corresponding to the first six semesters of work.
In the second cycle of studies, university or polytechnic master's degree is awarded to those who pass in all courses that comprise the curriculum of the Master's degree and passing the act of public defense of the dissertation, the work of project or internship report, have obtained the number of credits.

Degree of Doctor

The PhD degree is awarded by universities and institutes to university who have passed courses in the doctoral program if any, and the act of public defense of the thesis.

Conditions of Access

General system of access to higher education

To apply for the first cycle of studies leading to a Bachelor's degree or course of study leading to the master's integrated master's degree through the general scheme, national and foreign students must meet the following conditions:

- Have successfully completed a secondary education course or a national or foreign equivalent;
- Have completed the necessary entrance exams for the course you are applying with a rating equal to or greater than the minimum fixed (there are higher education institutions that accept foreign tests or exams);
- Meet the pre-requisites (if applicable) for the course you are applying.

 Special access regimes

Apart from the general schemes exist special access to higher education for elite athletes, Portuguese citizens abroad on official business, national officials and foreign diplomatic mission, Portuguese Forces officers and grantees under the cooperation agreements signed by the State Portuguese.

Special Competitions

Apart from the general and special schemes for special competitions for candidates that certain specific qualifications enabling access to higher education to new audiences in a logic of lifelong learning:

- Adults aged 23 and over who have passed on specially designed tests to assess the ability to enter higher education;
- Holders of a technological specialization course (course post-secondary non-tertiary).

Entrance to each higher education institution is subject to numerus clausus.

Joining the second cycle

May apply for admission to the second cycle of studies leading to the degree of Master:
- Holders of a degree or legal equivalent;
- Holders of a foreign academic degree, which is recognized as meeting the objectives of a degree by the competent scientific body of the higher education institution where they wish to be admitted;
- The holders of an academic, scientific or professional that is recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the competent scientific body of the higher education institution where they intend to be admitted.

Join the third cycle

May apply for admission to the third cycle of studies leading to a doctoral degree:
- Holders of master's degree or legal equivalent;
- Holders of bachelor's degree holders of an academic or scientific material that is recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the statutorily competent scientific university where they intend to be admitted;
- The holders of an academic, scientific or professional that is recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the statutorily competent scientific university where they intend to be admitted.

Classification system

At the bachelor's degree and master is assigned a final classification in the range 10-20 on a numerical scale from 0 to 20, as well as its equivalent in the European scale of comparability of ratings.

The academic degree of Doctor is given a final qualification under the regulating standards approved by the university that confers it.

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