quinta-feira, 16 de maio de 2013

Oporto University - Presentation

Brief Introduction of the University of Porto

University of Porto is currently the largest institution of teaching and research institution in Portugal. People say this could change because a fusion between University of Lisboa and Universidade Nova de Lisboa is near to happen. But while this, University of Oporto is the largest one.

It has near to 31.000 students, 2.300 teachers, 1700 administrative starff attend its 15 schools and 69 research units, distributed by 3 university centers in the city of Porto.
This university has a qualification of excellence of excellence (76% of 1921 teachers and reseraches are PhD FTE). This guarantees a high quality of training, making it one of the preferred choice of the students. Every year, this university receives more than 2000 aplications.

Almost 20% of the Portuguese scientific articles are produced is this University. More than half of this reserach units were rated as "excellent".

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