terça-feira, 21 de maio de 2013

Best Four Portuguese Schools Of Architecture and Design

The prestigious arts magazine Domus included four Portuguese institutions on its list of the top 100 European institutions to study Architecture and Design. Featured in "Europe's Top 100 Schools of Architecture and Design 2013" are 120 courses 100 European institutions in the areas of Architecture, Product Design, Graphic Design, Interactive Design and even courses in the History, Theory and Criticism. 

The University of Aveiro and ESAD Caldas da Rainha arise in the selection of 26 institutions to invest in the area of ​​Product Design. 

The Italian publication points out how the strong point courses Design U.Aveiro the fact that "teaching students to think, rooted in contemporary culture." With an 'emphasis on conceptual thinking and strategic vision, business-oriented', the authors of the top of the Domus out as positive insertion of the course in the Department of Communication and Art. 

In ESAD.CR, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, a degree in Industrial Design and MA in Product Design are highlighted by 'balance technical and conceptual. " The "unique setting" in which it is located, "among pine trees and a coastal city," provides "a place for students to work in a relaxed and peaceful." 

The text describing the choice also highlights the presence of 'known teachers in its areas, but the students watch and known to treat them as peers', apart from the fact of being "a school [which] contributes greatly to the industry." 

The Faculty of Fine Arts U.Lisboa, in turn, appears among the 24 schools highlighted to study Graphic Design. With a more theoretical and critical, the course "encourages experimentation and creative process rather than the purely technical aspect." Despite the lack of emphasis on the bridge between market studies and practical point of view, the comprehensive curriculum 'allows students a range of outputs not limited to graphic design "can also be involved in the curatorial, critical design views or other opportunities related publications. In the master also highlighted, there 'a specific focus on new media, its relationship with graphic design. " 

The Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto arises among the 31 best schools for future architects. With a "pedagogy focused on hand drawing and traditional methods as a means to understand the architecture ', the magazine highlights the interaction between students of different years. 

However, the emphasis on design and projection manuals mean that "the first two years, computers are not used, and only in the third year classes are integrated into programs like CAD, Photoshop and Rhinoceros." The library FAUP is also identified as a strong point, "one of the most important in Portugal», as well as the campus buildings, designed by Álvaro Siza Vieira.

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